Lloyd Edwards (aka Coach Ed.)

Personal Trainer & Sports Coach

Hey, My name is Lloyd Edwards (aka Coach Ed.) .... I'm a Personal Trainer, Sports Coach, mentor, teacher, and an athlete. I founded RYB (Respect Your Body) Fitness because I'm a firm believer that health and fitness is so much more than just the outer body - its your physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing all wrapped up into one. I speak from experience - my body changed when my mentality and focus changed. Check out my own body transformation in the pic above - At RYB our Mantra is: Train hard - Train wise - Eat right - Sleep well - Stay focused. This isn't always easy to maintain for anybody, but at RYB we will give you the tools to obtain success, and we'll support you on your journey to become the very best version of you. Remember Without Commitment There will Be No Success - Let's get to work! Lloyd

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Lloyd Edwards (aka Coach Ed.)